Benefits Of African Cherry “Agbalumo” And How It May Damage Male Fertility

African Cherry is called Agbalumo by the Yorubas, the Igbos call it Udara Agwaluma in Hausa. It is botanically called Chrysophyllum albidum.
African Cherry is a seasonal fruit
that is attractive, has a sweet taste, and above all it is enriched with nutrients and various health benefits.

The Health Benefits of African Cherry

It helps lose weight
African Cherry (agbalumo) has low-calorie content. You can enjoy as many fruits as you want without worries about calories.
It also makes the stomach full because of its fiber content thereby making one lose appetite. Since the person no longer has the urge to eat as one should have, it is indirectly making the person lose weight.

It reduces menstrual cramp
Cherry contains calcium which gives strength to some organs in the body. It can reduce menstrual cramp/pains
It also gives healthy bones and teeth

It prevents vomiting during pregnancy
Some pregnant women yearn for African cherry because of its sour taste which hits the roof of the mouth thereby making vomiting impossible/difficult.
It is used as a traditional remedy to some diseases

Cherry is used traditionally to treat malaria, fever, toothache, stomach ache, diarrhea, wounds, injuries, and skin infection.
It is used to prevent heart disease

Cherry contains some vitamins that act against the effect of free radicals. These radicals molecules are usually produced when food is broken down in the body.
Patients with heart problems are advised to take cherry often as it lowers the sugar level and cholesterol thereby reducing or preventing the possibility of heart disease.


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