Orange Peels: Magic In A Trash

The orange peel is described by some nutritionist as the most important part of the orange and arguably the healthiest part of the entire fruit, apart from consuming the fresh inner flesh of the fruit, many people
are not aware of the several other benefits of the orange peels, which most people normally throw away.
The peel is also rich in copper, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin A and other B vitamins and dietary Fibre, all these nutrients contribute to human health in marvelous ways.
Below are some 10 health benefits of orange peels,

1. Orange peels help prevent cancer: According to several research studies, the flavonoids in orange peels inhibit a protein that is linked to cancer.
The peels also contain another compound called, limonene which can cut cancer risk, other studies also show the efficacy of citrus peels in general in preventing cancerous activities in remarkable ways.

2. It improves Lung Health :
Due to the vitamin C content, orange peels help break down congestion and clean the lungs.
Vitamin C also boosts immunity and this helps ward off and prevent lung infections, the peels can also help you expel phlegm by cleansing your lungs.

3. Aids Diabetes Treatment :
Orange peels are also rich in pectin, a Fibre that is known to regulate blood sugar levels.
This can surely help people with diabetes, some studies has also shown how treatment with orange peels extract can help prevent diabetic nephropathy, also the glycemic load of the fruit is just 5 and this means orange peels causes only a small rise in blood sugar.

4. Strengthen Heart :
Orange peels are rich in a flavonoids called, hesperidin, which has shown to to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels, the peel also has anti inflammatory properties, and since heart disease is caused by inflammation, they can help in this regard. Another set of compounds in orange peels are the polymethoxylated flavonoids, which lower cholesterol levels better than certain prescribed drugs.

5. Help In Weight Loss :
Oranges are low in colories, which is one reason they are a great addition to a weight loss diet, they are filled with dietary Fibre which controls your appetite and discourages binging, orange peels also contains vitamin C that is known to help burn fat.

6. Boost Eye Health :
Eventhough there is less information on this, some sources say that, compounds like limonene, decaral and citral in orange peels can help boost eye health, they have anti-inflammatory properties that fight infections and improve vision.

7. Enhance digestive health :
The Fibre in the fruit peels aids digestion, the studies also show how citrus fruits peels in general have been used since ancient times to treat digestive disorders.

8. Help Fight Inflammation :
A New York study shows how orange peels exhibit excellent anti-inflammatory properties, further research shows that, orange peels can surpress information in a way similar to indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory drug, also, the flavonoids in orange peels are known to permeate membranes and heal inflammation.

9. Protect Teeth :
Due to the antibacterial properties of orange peels, they protect you from dental carries, additionally, you can also whiten your teeth by using orange peels, the limonene in orange peels also works as natural scent and solvent, this helps whiten your teeth in a natural way.

10. Make Skin Glow :
Orange peels are considered a boon for the skin as it treats blackheads, dead cells, acne and blemishes. It also brighten the face, you can also add milk or curd to get that, extra glow or for removing tan.
I hope after reading this article, you will not throw away orange peels again.


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