10 Hidden Secret Of Tigernut Milk.

Tigernuts are largely unknown and especially their nutrients are not widely known. In Spain Tigernuts are closely linked to the production of horchata (tigernuts milk), this sweet drink has not been given the attention they actually deserve.
However, several scientific studies have found in these tubers all elements and nutrients that should be consumed in order to pursue a healthy life.

Besides eating tigernuts whole, a delicious wholesome non-dairy milk can be made out of them. It is called Kunnu Aya in Nigeria and Chufa de Horchata in Spain. Tigernut milk is white, sweet and creamy. Although tigernut ‘Cyperus esculentus’ is not a nut, it is a tuber but milk is extracted from it like any nut milk.

Benefits Of Tigernut Milk.

1. Treatment  of  erectile problems. 
Tigernut  are packed with vitamin E which  is essential  for fertility in both men and women.

2. Treatment  of  Digestive  Disorders  
Most herbalists  recommends tigernuts for patients  who suffer from indigestion,  flatulence,  diarrhoea and constipation, because  of the digestive  enzymes present in it.

3. Help In controlling  diabetes 
Tigernuts contain vast amount of insoluble fiber which  helps to lower pH of high  glycolic index in starchy foods.

4. Rich ln insoluble Fiber. 
Studies have shown that 100g of tigernut flour contains  60g of dietary  fiber which is much higher compared  to other natural  sources of fiber like apples, carrots,  pears,  rice and oats.

5.Rich Source Of Vitamin E and C

Vitamin E and C which  is  known  to be a good antioxidant helps  to protect against  damages caused by free radicals  in the body.
Yogurts made with  tigernuts milk are normally  preferred because of the abundance of these nutrients in it.

6. Helps In Fighting Malnutrition in children 
They are very beneficial in Fighting  malnutrition  especially  in children since they are highly nutritive and as well affordable.

7. Increases the production of Breast Milk
Nursing  mothers are advised to drink tigernut  milk for an increased production of breast milk to satisfy their baby.

8.  Natural Source Of Magnesium 
Magnesium is scientifically  proved for maintaining a healthy functioning of the body. It is valuable for nervous system, muscle function, high blood pressure and strong bones

9. Natural Source Of Arginine 
Arginine is a type of amnio acid which maintains the width of the blood vessels to ensure normal flow of blood. It is highly valuable for treating chest pain, erectile dysfunction,  heart failure,  artery disease,  muscle cramp and headaches.

10. Suitable  for HIV Patients 
Tigernuts contains antioxidants which may delay the progression HIV infection to AIDS.

Studies have shown that  tigernut  milk contains more nutrients  than the normal  cow milk.  This tuber is beginning to gain ground on its own and time will make it receive the attention it deserves.


  1. Which means with only organics food no one will get sick... but they are also expensive to buy
    Anyway thanks for your nice work 👏

  2. Nice. Quite informative. Thank you


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