Rice: All You Need To Know About It.

Rice is a starchy grain used as a staple ingredient by more than half the world's population largely due to its versatility, availability, and ability to adapt to any flavor and seasoning.

There are many different types of rice and ways to prepare it, and nutritional values differ as well.

Rice Nutrition Facts

The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA for 1 cup (186g) of cooked, enriched, short-grain white rice.

Calories: 242

Fat: 0.4g

Sodium: 0mg

Carbohydrates: 53.4g

Fiber: 0.6g

Sugars: 0g

Protein: 4.4g


There are over 53 grams of carbohydrate in a single serving of white rice. Only a tiny amount of that carbohydrate comes from fiber. Most of it is starch and a small amount is sugar.

All rice is originally whole-grain, with the bran attached. White rice is produced by pearling, which is a process through which the grain passes through a machine where it is rolled and the bran is gently "pearled" off, leaving the white kernel intact.

This makes the grain a processed, refined grain, no longer a whole grain. Pearling also lowers cooking time and extends the shelf life of grains.

Health Benefits 

Gluten Free 

White rice is free from gluten that cause cause food allergies in most people. It is rich in healthy carbohydrates. It is good for people with hormonal imbalance as it contains safe and healthy carbohydrates.

Boosts Immune System And Memory 

White rice contains magnesium which boosts the immune system. It also contains thiamine which increases memory. It's low sodium level makes it suitable for high blood pressure.

Increases Appetite 

White rice increases appetite by aiding digestion and treats many stomach ailments. It has mild diuretic properties. This is one of the best uses of white rice.

Prevents Obesity

It forms an integral part of a balanced diet as it can provide nutrients without having any negative impacts on health. Low levels of fat, cholesterol, and sodium also help reduce obesity and associated conditions. While most people have this misconception that white rice consumption causes an increase in blood glucose levels, which is one of the reasons for obesity, a 2013 research paper showed that there was, in fact, no association between the frequency of rice consumption and body weight, BMI or central obesity.

Anticancer Potential

The whole-grain variety of brown rice is rich in insoluble fiber that helps protect against many types of cancer. Scientists and researchers believe that such insoluble fibers are vital for protecting the body against the development and metastasis of cancerous cells. Fiber is beneficial in defending against colorectal and intestinal cancer. However, besides fiber, it also has natural antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, and phenolic and flavonoid compounds, which help scour free radicals from the body.

Boosts Cardiovascular Health

The whole grains like rice are known to have antioxidant properties that promote cardiovascular strength by reducing cholesterol levels in the body, according to a report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. [11] Wild and brown rice varieties are far better than the white variety since the husk of the grain is where much of the nutrients are; ironically, the husk is removed in white rice preparation.

Diuretic & Digestive Qualities

The husk of rice is considered to be an effective medicine to treat dysentery. As a diuretic, it helps you eliminate toxins from the body like uric acid, and even lose weight, since approximately 4% of urine is actually made up of body fat! The high fiber content also increases bowel movement regularity.

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