6 Things You Don't Know About Avocado.

Avocado is an energetic fruit with high
nutritional value and is considered a major tropical fruit, since it is rich in protein and contains fat-soluble vitamins lacking in other fruits,
including Vitamins A and B, and median levels of vitamins D and E. It contains different oil levels in the
pulp, thus it is widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, and for obtaining commercial oils similar to olive oil, because of their similar fatty acid composition. In addition, this fruit has been recognized for its health benefits, especially due to the compounds present in the lipid fraction, such as omega fatty acids, phytosterols, tocopherols, and squalene


The avocado pulp contains from 67 to 78%
moisture, 13.5 to 24 % lipids, 0.8 to 4.8% carbohydrate, 1.0 to 3.0% protein, 0.8 to 1.5% ash, 1.4 to 3.0% fiber, and energy density between 140 and 228kcal
 Avocado has four (4) times
more nutritional value than any other fruit except banana, containing proteins (1 to 3%) and significant levels of fat-soluble vitamins  folic acid, and appreciable amounts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium,
phosphorus, sulfur and silicon, and vitamins E, B1, B2, and D.
The fruit stands out on potassium levels
(339mg 100g-1) when compared to other fruits, which regulates muscle activity and protects the body from cardiovascular diseases. It also represents a source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that acts on potentially carcinogenic compounds.

Composition of avocado oil

The oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids with oleic acid content being the highest. The fatty acid distribution in the Avocado oil is listed in Fatty acid composition of Avocado oil
Fatty acid Quantity (%)
Palmitic acid 28.21
Palmitoleic acid 5.69
Stearic acid 0.69
Oleic acid 50.95
Linoleic acid 13.87
Linolenic acid 0.58

Uses of Avocado

Avocados are mainly used for their culinary properties and are a part of many world cuisines. They can be used in salads, soups, and dressings. They are used in smoothies and drinks as well to provide a unique twist to a simple beverage. Avocados and avocado oil are used in many cosmetic products as they are very good for your skin and hair. They are used in certain dental products as well as they help eliminate bad breath. Many people also use avocados to make homemade face masks and hair masks to nourish the same.



The two studied that the effects of avocado in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus, were reduced blood glucose levels in 13 out of the 15 participants with Type 2 diabetes, and noted only five of the 15 had clinically significant reductions. A small randomised crossover study involving 12 women with Type 2 Dibetes, found that after four weeks each of a high monounsaturated fat diet (with an avocado a day, eating a third at each meal) and a high carbohydrate diet, both diets caused a minor cholesterol lowering effect with no major changes in
High Density Lipid cholesterol. The avocado diet was associated with a greater decrease in blood triglycerides and glycemic control was similar with both diets. Researchers concluded that including avocado in the diet of those with T2D could help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides without
compromising blood glucose control. Clearly, more research in the area of Type 2 diabetes is needed, but there have also been interesting Type 2 diabetes, preliminary animal studies that suggest that extracts of avocado leaf and seed may improve blood
glucose control.


The three studied looking the effect of avocado on a portion of weight management. The first study, examined the effects of avocados as part of an energy-confidential diet on serum lipids, weight loss, and vascular function in 55 overweight and obese people. The participants were randomly divided into two groups – one group consuming an energy restricted diet including 200g of avocado a day in place of 30g of other dietary fats, another group consuming an energy restricted control diet.
Following six weeks, body weight, body mass index, and percentage of body fat all decrease drastically in both diet groups. The researchers concluded that 200g a day of avocado could be consumed in an energy-restricted diet without compromising weight loss when substituted for 30g of other dietary fats. A randomized crossover study found that overweight people adding half an avocado in lunch to increase their satiety by 25% and decreased their desire to eat by 30% for 3-5 hours next the meal. The 25 Adding avocado to lunch may help reduce mid meal snacking. A recent US analysis, found that avocado consumers had a lower body weight, Body Mass Index and waist fringe compared to those who did not eat avocado. The long-term trials as well as identify mechanisms for the role of avocados in weight management. The extract of avocado fruit inhibits the action of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a key enzyme in the production of fat in the body


The Clinical study on avocado diets has always confirmed that positive heart health effect, including on blood lipid profiles. This is principally because of the whole food effects of this nutrient-dense fruit. Healthy fats in foods are always a mixture of unsaturated fat and saturated, but one type predominates. The fats in avocados, like other plant foods, are mostly healthy monounsaturated fats. As well as providing fat-soluble vitamins, the monounsaturated fats in avocados help to control cholesterol production and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In foods diets high that contain monounsaturated fats, such as a Mediterranean diet with its olive oil and nuts, have also been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The extensive body of research behind the cardiovascular benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats result in recommending avocado as a healthy fat alternative to saturated fat spreads. The Australian Dietary Guidelines - Guideline 3 swap high fat foods that contain predominately saturated fat, such as butter, cream, cooking margarine, coconut and palm oil with foods that contain predominantly polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated fats such as oils, spreads, pastes, nut butters and avocado [30]. A healthy varied diet that contains a high intake of both vegetables and fruits, such as avocado, reduces the risk of heart.


as we said before fatty acid found in avocado playing a very important role in regulating many of your nervous system functions and cognitive process.
this substance impacts our neurotransmitter levels and helps balance hormones naturally in the body.
avocados can help regulate your mood to improve your state of mind when you eat them,
this means you can add mental stability just by eating avocados are adding them to your diet.


Due to a sufficient amount of fiber present in avocado, it may regular your proper bowel movement,
which is very important to the everyday defecation of toxins through the bile and stool.


Avocados are rich in beta-carotenes, which turn into vitamin A in your body, they are good for your eyes and can help improve your vision.

Side effect and safety

Avocado is mostly safe for most people when the
fruit is eaten in food average amounts. When taken
by mouth seems to be possibly safe as a medicine for
up to 2 years or when applied to the skin for up to 3
months. It normally has few side effects, and those
people who used a specific avocado, vitamin B12,
cream for psoriasis reported mild eager. Remain in
mind that avocado has a lot of calories because of its
fat content.


The avocado ingested in grazing animal produce poisons, and this toxicity also has been observed in species as diverse as fish and birds. Nonetheless, only a small number of reports of toxicity caused by avocado have been available over the past 50 years.
The amount of avocado ingested ranged from 10 to 14 g. Signs of toxicity became apparent after 2 to 3 days and the animals commonly died within the next 24 hours. Gross findings included the flow of blood
into the brain, and liver, lungs, in goats and cattle, acute toxicity has been characterized by a cessation of milk flow and nonbacterial mastitis. Although the mechanism of toxicity is dense, leaves fed to goat decreased milk production and increased AST and LDH enzyme levels.



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