Nutmeg: Natural Libido Enhancer.

Nutmeg is a spice that give aromatic flavor to food. Due to its medicinal properties, it is also used  for the treatment of asthma, rheumatism, muscle spasm, atherosclerosis, decreased appetite, diarrhea, paralysis etc. Intresting fact about nutmeg  is that It is also known as potent aphrodisiac due to it’s nervous stimulating properties which enhances libido, improves penile erection, increases ejaculation latency/time, and intensifies sexual activity in sustained manner.
Enhances Libido
Nutmeg is known to have nervous stimulating property due to the presence of sterols, phenols, alkaloids and amino acids in the extract.
These extract has been found to possess strong libido enhancing effects.
 Studies have attributed its aphrodisiac activity to its nervous stimulant action.

Elongate Ejaculation 
 Nutmeg extract has been found to elongate ejaculation time with greater control over ejaculation itself and led to increased intromission frequency i.e. number of strokes before ejaculation. It also shortened the refractory period i.e. time interval before having another sex or orgasm, thus led to increased frequency of sex. Further, Nutmeg extract significantly increased the frequency of all the components of penile reflexes: Erections (E), Quick Flips (QF) and Long Flips (LF), which makes it a potent herb for erectile dysfunction as well.

Excessive consumption of nutmeg exceeding “toxic level” can give negative effects to health because it can induce neurotoxicity in brain. Thus, consuming nutmeg in higher amount should be avoided.

Other benefits 

Relieve pain
Soothe indigestion
Strengthen cognitive function
Detoxify the body
Boost skin health
Alleviate oral conditions
Reduces insomnia
Increases immune system  function
Prevent leukaemia
Improve blood circulation


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