8 Deadly Things Soft Drinks Does To Your Vital Organs

Carbonated soft drinks, especially Cola soft drinks shows a high consumption trend around the world, regardless of age, race,
religion and culture.
Sweeteners and chemical preservatives are some of the leading food additives to be
added in soft drinks.

The sweetener may be sugar, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, sugar substitutes (in the case of diet drinks), or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also contain caffeine, colourings, and other ingredients.
 This article will be looking  at the dangers these additives does to our body.

Tooth Decay and Erosion 
Sugar in soft drinks causes tooth decay. Acids in it dissolve tooth enamel.

Sodium benzene, a preservative in soft drinks is linked to asthma.

Heart Disease
70% of cardiovascular diseases is related to obesity.

Excess consumption of carbonated diet and drinks increases obesity. Each additional  daily serving of soda increases a child risk for obesity by 60%.

Reproductive Issues 
BPA(Bisphenol-A ) used in the lining of soft drinks cans can cause reproductive abnormalities

Kidney Problems 
Phosphoric acid found in colas has been linked to kidney  stones and other kidney problems.

Soft  drinks  contains  phosphoric  acid and a high phosphate  diet has been associated with  bone breakdown  and an increased risk in osteoporosis

Sugar Overload
A can of soft drink may contain  5-8 teaspoonful of sugar. 20minutes after drinking a soft drink, your blood sugar shoots up causing  an insulin burst, your liver responds to this by turning  sugar into fat.


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