See Evidence That Proves Water Is life.

Water is not only life giving, but life
saving. The importance of water to
our health and its role in disease
processes has rarely been considered. As we accept new ideas of natural healing and
alternative medicine, we can look at water in a new way. When we don't take in enough water each day, some parts of the body are forced to do without it. When our bodies become dehydrated, the first symptom is not thirst, or a “dry mouth”. Our bodies are such miracles of adaptability that
we can function reasonably well without adequate water for a very long time. We can go along for decades, harming our bodies without even realizing it. This article  touches  alot on what water does to the body.

Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are small crystals (renal calculus)
that form in your urine from poorly processed wastes, and an excess of acidic waste from meat and dairy that is not completely digested and eliminated from your system. Poor metabolism,
dehydration, bad diet, and excesses of calcium, uric acid, or other substances can cause kidney stones.
Prevention is much better than treatment, so eat better and be sure to keep your body fully hydrated to flush out the crystals while they are still tiny and able to pass painlessly through your ureters, bladder, and urethra.


Headaches are a sign of dehydration. Migraines are an urgent call for water. Migraines are often caused by inadequate temperature regulation in the body. Being overheated and dehydrated is a serious condition. The brain reacts to the urgent need for water by creating an incapacitating headache that prompts the sufferer to immediately reduce any level of
activity, thus allowing the body to cool down. The migraine also initiates a desire for pain medication which is taken with much-needed water.

Post-Partum Depression
The sadness and depression some women feel after giving birth may be directly caused by dehydration. There is no risk, and plenty of reward, in ensuring new mothers are fully hydrated. This will help in nursing, and getting the body back into shape as well.

Nausea is often an indication of dehydration. While there are some disease processes, such as the flu, that can produce a symptom of nausea, it is more frequently a sign that your body is unable to handle the current situation while dehydrated.
A feeling of nausea while exercising is related to the lack of water and the subsequent inability ofthe body to regulate body temperature. Nausea during pregnancy, or morning sickness, as
previously mentioned, indicates inadequate water resources for the fetus.
Relieve mild nausea with increased water intake. If the nausea becomes severe, or cannot be relieved by three or four glasses of water, consult your doctor.

Quitting Smoking
If you are trying to quit smoking in an effort to be healthier, water can help you here as well. The difficulty in overcoming an addictive habit lies in the physical dependance upon the substance itself,
in this case nicotine, and in the habitualized
behaviors associated with lighting and smoking a cigarette. When you take on the challenge of rehydrating your body, you interfere with both those persistent
conditions. Water helps flush the nicotine out

Just about any study you look at demonstrates a significant link between stress and health problems. Most statistics indicate that fully 80% of disease and illnesses are stress-related.
Water helps to reduce stress in a number of ways. First, you have to slow down in order to take in the required amount of water per day suitable for your body weight. It takes a certain amount of time to drink that much water. By focusing on water and hydration, you are naturally beginning to think in a way that promotes and maintains your health. The availability of lots of water to drink makes you less likely to reach for coffee, colas, alcohol, or other substances that are stimulants or depressants,
further stressing your system.

Ulcers occur when conditions of stress or the presence of bacteria in a dehydrated body cause the protective mucous membrane that lines the stomach to become eroded. Drinking a glass of water at least a half hour before a meal allows the mucous lining to regenerate so that when food enters the stomach for digestion, and an increase of stomach acid is produced for this process, the mucous barrier is fully prepared for this event. If you have stomach pain, drink one to four glasses
of water. You should feel some relief within about ten minutes. Water not only dilutes any stomach acid present, but maintains the stomach lining.

Water and Medications
It is ironic that we are told to take any pills or medications along with a large glass of water. The water may be doing us more good than the pill we are swallowing. We tend to think that the water is just helping the pill go down, and aiding in
dissolving it in the stomach so that its helpful chemical components can be released into our bloodstream.Water will most likely increase the effectiveness of
any medication you have been prescribed because it helps transport chemicals throughout the body.

Chronic Pain
Pain is caused when histamine comes across pain-sensing nerves or receptors. There is evidence that if you suffer from chronic pain, you are probably chronically dehydrated, meaning you never have
enough water in your body to make the pain go away. This is particularly true for arthritis and lower back pain.
We know that if we don't oil the parts of a
mechanism such as a car engine, friction will cause the parts to rub together, erode, and eventually grind to a halt. We can imagine the same thing happening to our joints when we don't have enough
synovial fluid to lubricate the surfaces of the cartilage. Do you hear creaking, cracking or squeaking in your knees and elbows when you move? That is an unmistakable message that there is not enough water to “oil the hinges”. Our spine is cushioned by fluid-filled discs between each vertebra. Without sufficient water, these discs cannot refill after compression, and back pain results.
Pain arises out of any number of conditions that indicate dehydration in the body. Hydrate yourself and notice the reduction of pain.

Colitis is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases that cause severe gastric and intestinal pain. Weusually try to treat such problems with antacids, or stronger drugs.
Any digestive problem, from ulcers, acid reflux disease and heartburn to colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome, can be alleviated
with water. Much of our diet is acidic, in the form of meats and dairy products. Poorly digested acidic foods cause symptoms of pain and inflammation. Water helps
in digestion, maintains the stomach lining so that stomach acid cannot cause irritation, and it transports waste matter through our intestines and bowel. Diseases such as colitis are painful, and they can be embarrassing as well. Rehydration can reduce
and even remove these problems.

The manufacture of cholesterol is a natural body process that helps prevent cellular dehydration.However, cholesterol buildup in the body causes plaque or a hard clay-like substance to stick to the walls of our arteries, causing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Higher levels of
cholesterol occur when the body is dehydrated because more cholesterol is produced to assist the cells in maintaining hydration. Increased water intake reduces the production of cholesterol, and makes the plaque less “sticky”. To reduce your cholesterol levels, have a substantial glass of water before every meal, and maintain full hydration of the body.

Food Poisoning
One of the first symptoms of food poisoning is a severe headache. This is the body’s signal to drink more water. If you think something you ate is making you sick, water will help by diluting whatever is in your stomach and gastrointestinaltract, and it will help flush out the poisons from your system. If you feel the need to vomit, any water you have consumed will further help to dilute the stomach acid and actually give you something to throw up. Depending upon how long the bad food has been in
your system, water will either help it up or help it down and out.

Doctor’s instructions when you have the flu are usually to drink plenty of fluids. Instead of orange juice or tea, drink water to help your cells withstand the flu virus.
While orange juice, tea, and hot lemon drinks may be comforting, they do not provide the significant benefit of water in aiding the immune system to fight off viral infection.

There is nothing like being fully hydrated to allow you to have a good night’s sleep. Even though you may have to get up in the night to urinate, you can do so quickly, and then fall easily back to sleep if you have enough water in your system.
Insomnia often occurs because of an overload of caffeine or stress chemicals continuing to act on the brain and the body when it is time for sleep.
Caffeine is a stimulant, and when combined with conditions of daily stress, and other problems youmay have, it just overwhelms the brain’s ability to process everything at once.


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