Cloves: The Endless Benefits Of The Mother Of All Species

Clove is a medicinally powerful herb with
a solid traditional heritage and history. Clove has physical, mental and emotional health benefits.
Clove possesses antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anesthetic, pain reliving and insect repellent properties. Cloves represent one of the Mother Nature’s premier antiseptic. Eugenol is the main constituent responsible for the medicinal properties of the clove bud. Clove is the most important spice of the world,
as judged from the world trade.

Clove is known to possess antibacterial properties and is used in various dental creams, tooth pastes, mouth washes, and throat sprays to cleanse bacteria. It is also
used to relive pain from sore gums and improves overall dental health.

Cloves are aphrodisiac (an agent for arousing or increasing sexual desire or potency).

Clove is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, due to its high content of flavonoids. Aroma therapists use pure clove oil to cure the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.

Clove is used as a carminative, to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and to improve peristalsis.

Apply the paste of clove powder in honey to treat acne.

Paste of clove powder in water promotes faster healing of cuts and bites.

Cloves can effectively cure many digestive problems. It is having medicinal qualities to cure flatulence, loose motions, indigestion and nausea. Cloves are useful in relieving the symptoms of diarrhea, gastric irritability and vomiting.

Clove and clove oil boost the immune system by purifying the blood and help to fight against various diseases.

Clove oil is effective in curing Athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

Cloves are good expectorants that promote the discharge of mucous and secretions in the respiratory passage.

The aromatic clove oil, when inhaled can help soothe certain respiratory conditions like cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It also helps in clearing the nasal

Cloves can effectively prevent the lung cancer as well as the skin cancer. Eugenol helps in minimizing the harmful effects of environmental wastes that can cause cancer of digestive system.

Clove oil stimulates blood flow and circulation making it useful for the people having cold extremities.

Cloves benefit the diabetic patients by controlling the blood glucose levels. Eugenol is powerful enough for preventing blood clots.

Sucking of a clove bud reduces desire for alcohol.

Muscular cramps are often relieved, when the oil of clove is applied as a poultice near the affected area.

Cloves also help prevent the breakdown in retina of the eye, which slows down macular degeneration and aids vision in the old age. The underlying mechanism is through the prevention of the breakdown of
docosahexaenoic acid, which preserves vision in elderly people.

Researchers found that sniffing the spicy aroma of cloves reduces drowsiness, irritability and headaches.

One drop of clove oil applied to the roof of the mouth can instantly relieve many headaches.

Clove enhances memory retention. It is recommended for relieving brain fog, lethargy and depressive state of mind.
Research has shown that clove oil is an effective mosquito repellent.

Clove may be looked upon as the champion of all the
anti-oxidants known till date.


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