Stretch marks: Home Remedies To Help Clear Them.

Tired of those giant strips and don't know how to get them off, let me not take your time by explaining what stretch  mark is. Let's  go straight  into 8 natural ways you can get rid of those marks.

1. Lemon juice.
Lemon juice contains natural acids which  helps lighten the skin, just soak up the juice with a cotton ball and apply to the affected area let it sit 5 to 10 minutes. Do this regularly and watch as the natural acids bleach away those marks

2. Sugar

Sugar as a scrub helps scrub away dead cells. Mix two tablespoon with honey and gently apply let it sit for 5 minutes and rinse off..

3. Egg white

Egg white contains amnio acids and proteins which help repair damaged skin.

Separate the egg white from the yolk and whisk then apply the foamy whites on the stretch marks, allow to dry on the skin then rinse and moisturize.

4. Potato juice.

The starch in potato carries properties that soothes the skin. Slice a potato into pieces and gently rub into the stretch marks let it sit for 15 minutes rinse and moisturize.

5. Aloe vera.

Aloe vera gel keeps the skin moist and soft, apply the gel on the marks you don't need to wash off. For best results apply twice daily.

6. Oil Treatment.

There are some good essential oil that have proved effective  in the treatment of stretch mark. Essential oil is mixed with a carrier oil and applied topically to the mark and massage into the skin .
Best essential oil  for stretch  mark.

Argan oil
Lavender oil
Neroli oil
Pomegranate oil.

Carrier oil include 
Jojoba oil
Olive oil

7. Dry Brushing 

This process involves  using a stiff bristle brush on the skin. It helps removes dead cells and enhance blood flow. Experts advised dry brushing before showering and should be moisturized afterwards.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar 

This is one of the most common method for removing stretch marks, vinegar contains  acetic acid which helps exfoliate the skin for smoothness and even out skin tone.

Apply  the solution on your stretch mark at night and leave till  morning then wash up thoroughly when bathing in the morning and moisturize.


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