See Why An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

 Apple are delicious, nutritious and a handful may even help keep the doctor away and here is why.

Petin in apple  can neutralize stomach acid and temporarily alleviate heartburn caused by acid reflux.

Apple  contains content  such as cystine  and arginine this help eliminate toxins that are stored in the body.

Hearing loss
Potassium,  magnesium,  zinc and manganese are properties found in apple vinegar and they are beneficial to the health of the ear.
Anti diarrheal
Due to its high content in pectin  apple help regulate intestinal tract

Apple ripe with antioxidants and fiber.
An apple a day could if eaten with the rest of these foods keep the psychiatrist away, at
least for stretches of time. Like
berries, apples are high in antioxidants, which can help to prevent and repair oxidation damage and inflammation on the cellular level.
Apple juice consumption may increase
the production in the brain of the essential
neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The
researchers found that including apples in your daily diet may protect neuron cells against oxidative stress-induced neurotoxicity.

The polyphenols and fibre contained within apples appear to have a mild cholesterol-lowering effect.

Effect of anti-inflammatory action of apple
polyphenol extracts prevents damage to
human gastric epithelial cells in vitro and to
rat gastric mucosa in vivo. It was concluded
that apple extract reduces gastric erosion in

Apple consumption has been inversely linked with asthma and has also been positively associated with general pulmonary health.

An apple consumption may also be associated with a lower risk for diabetes and its peels was also associated with a decreased risk in type II diabetes, as well as keep your blood sugar levels stable.


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